Don Bosco Assembly and Don Bosco Photo Frame – Making Competition

We celebrate the Feast of our Father and Founder, St. John Bosco on the 31st of January every year. To inculcate the value of the Saint in the life of children and to teach them more about St. John Bosco (Don Bosco) the children of the pre-primary section along with their teachers organised an assembly on 23rd January 2024. Each class participated in the celebration. With a prayer dance, a skit about Don Bosco, and songs.

To continue with the celebrations a photo frame-making competition was held for the Sr. Kg and Jr. Kg. on the 23rd of January’2023. Children expressed their love and creativity through this activity.

The children of the pre-primary section celebrated the feast of our patron  St. Don Bosco with great joy and happiness through an assembly and photo frame making competition.