First Conference by Father Manuel Murzello

First Conference by Father Manuel Murzello

Date: 8th June 2024
Venue: Don Bosco Borivali

Welcome Address

The conference commenced with a warm welcome from the Principal, who introduced Father Manuel Murzello, the new rector, to the staff and attendees. The Principal highlighted that Father Murzello is not just a parish priest but also the manager of the entire institution, underscoring the significance of his role.

Opening Prayer

Father Murzello began the conference with a prayer song, “You’re a Good, Good Father,” setting a reflective and spiritual tone for the gathering. The song served as a reminder of the guiding presence and goodness of God in the lives of the attendees.

Introduction by Father Murzello

Father Murzello then addressed the staff, sharing a brief description of his background:

  • Journey to Borivali: He mentioned that he was considered for four different places but was ultimately chosen for Borivali, a decision that surprised him given his Marathi mother tongue.
  • Priests at Don Bosco Borivali: He provided details about the priests in the Don Bosco Borivali Church and their roles within the church and school, emphasizing their commitment to supporting the school community.
Salesian Family and Faith

Father Murzello shared insights about the Salesian family, stressing the importance of their mission and values. He highlighted the aspects of faith that underpin their work and the spirit of the Salesian community.

Discussion on Corporal Punishment

Father Murzello addressed the topic of corporal punishment, reflecting on how disciplinary methods have evolved over time:

  • Historical Context: He recalled the past when teachers used corporal punishment, contrasting it with current policies that deem such actions as offenses.
  • Creating a Positive Environment: He emphasized the need to foster a friendly and inviting atmosphere in the school, where children look forward to attending and feel happy and safe. The presence of Don Bosco, he noted, should inspire an environment of love and kindness.
Commemorating Don Bosco’s Vision

Father Murzello noted the significance of the year, marking the 200th anniversary of Don Bosco’s dream at the age of nine. He shared an inspiring story titled “No Sufficient Bread,” emphasizing themes of admiration and imitation as a vocation.

Child Protection Policy

Father Murzello outlined the child protection policies in place to safeguard students:

  • Child Neglect: He discussed various forms of child neglect, including educative, emotional, and physical neglect.
  • New Rules on Sexual Harassment: He introduced new regulations aimed at preventing sexual harassment, reinforcing the institution’s commitment to the safety and well-being of all students.
Blessings and Closing Remarks

In his closing remarks, Father Murzello blessed the attendees, wishing them a fruitful and productive year ahead. He encouraged everyone to work together with their hands, heads, and hearts, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment within the school community.