Show and Tell Competition

‘Show and Tell’ is an important part of a child’s learning development as it helps them to organize information and build their confidence. It is a great way to encourage child’s interest in a particular topic and a chance for children to think outside the box. It also strengthens the verbal skills and foster public speaking competency of the young minds. With the aim of providing an opportunity for our children to develop effective communication skills and to build their confidence.

The teachers of Savio Kindergarten organised “Show and Tell” Competition for and on 24th November 2023. The children of the pre-primary section participated in this competition with full zeal and enthusiasm as they came up with various interesting objects.  They described and spoke a few lines on the object of their choice and were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn.

Thus, this event helped our tiny tots to build their social, emotional and language skills. It was an interesting and a thrilling experience for the kids sharing their feelings with friends which provided fun and comfortable learning platform for everyone.